Sunday, November 30, 2014

Currently DECEMBER!

Hey guys! I am linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for a December Currently!!!

Listening: The Walking Dead!!! If anyone watches it, I cried! This show just gets better every time I watch it. It was the mid-season finale, and I can't believe I have to wait until February for it to come back! Ugh!!! Hate that!

Loving: I cannot believe that tomorrow is December! Though I am counting down the days til xmas break, I hope it doesn't go by toooo fast because I love christmas! I love the decorations, the lights, the tree! Everything! It just puts you in such a good mood! 

Thinking: I cannot believe I am awake! I am usually in bed and asleep by 10 o'clock, and it is now 12:30! Maybe the extra day vacation put my sleep in a weird mood :/

Wanting: Another day off! I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow! We have off next monday for a religious holiday soooo already counting down for that hehe!

Needing: A drink! And not alcoholic haha. I am just so thirsty, but too lazy to go downstairs to get one. So I will just complain about how thirsty I am through social media :)

Giving: LOVE! You can never give too much love <3

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fun on the Farm & Peek at my Week!

A few weeks ago we went to the farm! The week before we went to the farm we used "farm" as our theme! We learned about all different farm animals, we voted for our favorite animal, and we created farm animals crafts! It was a lot of fun and my kiddos really enjoyed the experience. Unfortunately, our trip was cut short due to issues on the bus companies side, but we still had a great time and made the best of it!

This week I linked up with Deedee over at Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for a Peek at my Week!. 

This week our theme is Harvest! We will be talking all about fall harvest and why it is is important! We will be making different crafts, including Shapely the Scarecrow! I borrowed this idea from Ashley Reed over at Just Reed! She has a wonderful freebie available, but I tweaked it a bit and just made my own to match my students abilities. They did a great job so far!

We will also be talking about scarecrows and practicing name recognition with a scarecrow poem I found on Pinterest:

Scarecrow, Scarecrow
How scary can you be?
You scared _______
But you didn't scare me!

I will hold up a child's name when we get to the blank part for them to shout out that name!

We will also free draw a scarecrow using coloring sheets. 

I will also be working with students on ABC matchups to assess their letter recognition thus far in the school year.

Thanks for stopping by!