Sunday, November 30, 2014

Currently DECEMBER!

Hey guys! I am linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for a December Currently!!!

Listening: The Walking Dead!!! If anyone watches it, I cried! This show just gets better every time I watch it. It was the mid-season finale, and I can't believe I have to wait until February for it to come back! Ugh!!! Hate that!

Loving: I cannot believe that tomorrow is December! Though I am counting down the days til xmas break, I hope it doesn't go by toooo fast because I love christmas! I love the decorations, the lights, the tree! Everything! It just puts you in such a good mood! 

Thinking: I cannot believe I am awake! I am usually in bed and asleep by 10 o'clock, and it is now 12:30! Maybe the extra day vacation put my sleep in a weird mood :/

Wanting: Another day off! I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow! We have off next monday for a religious holiday soooo already counting down for that hehe!

Needing: A drink! And not alcoholic haha. I am just so thirsty, but too lazy to go downstairs to get one. So I will just complain about how thirsty I am through social media :)

Giving: LOVE! You can never give too much love <3

Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. Hi Elizabeth! I'm giving love back at you! Maybe that will numb the pain of having to go back to work tomorrow. I know what you mean about needing another day. I don't want to go back tomorrow either. Keep on, keeping on! Those little ones need you.
    Educar con una Sonrisa

  2. I had to DVR tonight's episode, but I LOVE The Walking Dead! I can't wait to watch it tomorrow, although I know it's going to be heart-breaking! Christmas is my favorite time of year - all I want to do is decorate, sleep in, and watch Christmas movies all day (so break cannot come soon enough!). haha
    Scarlett at Speech Is Sweet

  3. I am so with you on having another day off! These next three weeks are going to fly by - enjoy! Happy Holidays!
