Wednesday, July 1, 2015

JULY currently

Hey everyone! Today I am joining Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for her July Currently!!

Currently listening to Million Dollar Listing on the BRAVO channel! I have a serious obsession with Bravo! They have the best/most addicting shows. This channel is on my TV 98% of the time! Just love it!

I am loving that I just took a bubble bath! Nothing is more relaxing than a nice hot bubble bath, even in the middle of the summer.

I simply cannot stop thinking about my BTS to do list! School is constantly running through my mind. Since I am changing grades, I have so much stress over trying to make everything perfect!

I am really wanting to go to the beach. I haven't been there yet this summer, but luckily heading down the shore next weekend!!

Guys, I really need to hit the freaking target dollar spot! I keep seeing everyones amazing Instagram photos of all the great stuff! I went to my target the other day and they had a few BTS items, but nothing compared to the stuff I'm seeing on social media. My target really needs to get on the ball, cause I am getting very very impatient!!

I am an ALL STAR SLEEPER. I could probably sleep for 10 hours at night, take a nap during the day, and still be able to fall asleep that night. I just love sleeping, and it's good for you so I have no shame in my game.

P.S This is my first official post as a new FIRST GRADE TEACHER! This blog was previously called Pre-Kinder Connections. I taught Pre-K for the past two years, but will be moving on up to first in September. I am so excited. First is my dream grade! I have so many amazing ideas, and am so excited to be able to implement all the wonderful products from all the first grade bloggers out there!


  1. Congrats on becoming a 1st grade teacher! How exciting!!! Can I just say…the Dollar Spot…AMAZING this year! Target has outDONE themselves!!!!!! :)

    Are you going to Vegas?

    Hooo-Ray For Teaching

    1. I know! I'm gonna head to target, or 3, tomorrow to see if any of them have restocked! And no I am not going to vegas! I am not quite up to that blogger level yet ahhaa but maybe one day! Enjoy if you are!!


  2. Good luck with all your BTS preparations! You know - I just never really hit it right at the Target Dollar Spot. I know what you mean - everyone seems to find the best things. I hope you enjoy the beach! Happy 4th!

    1. Maybe we have horrible targets haha! I am always so envious of the things I see other people score at the doll spot :( Oh well, maybe I will have more luck when I go shopping tomorrow!!


  3. Thanks for visiting my blog. I taught first grade for one year and loved it! The kids learn so much in the year! I also am reading Grey right now. I LOVE it! I read The Read Aloud Handbook for a grad school class. I try to just read fun and light books during the summer since I have grad school books to read in the school year.

  4. I agree with the whole target thing! I haven't found what I am seeing on social media either. Maybe next week! I am hosting a linky party next week! I just posted all about it! Hopefully you can stop by my blog and join!


    Bits of First Grade

    1. Awesome! I look forward to the party!!! :)

