Monday, September 1, 2014

September Currently!

Today I am linking up with Farley for a September Currently! I cannot believe it is September already! Where in the world did the summer go :(

Listening: I am listening to nothing! Just silence, well I guess technically I hear the sound of my ceiling fan. But still. Sometimes you need to just sit in the dark and relax without any noise. It's a great feeling.

Loving: I just went to target earlier today and they had Pumpkin Spice Peanut Butter! I love pumpkin, and I love peanut butter, so this is a win win for me! I love making smoothies with yogurt and pb, so I know this will add that perfect fall taste to my morning treat!

Thinking: I am thinking about summer! Where did it go?!? I don't want it to be over and I do not want to go back to school! I know I sound like a kid!

Wanting: I am seriously wanting a pumpkin smoothie now! I may have to go make one after this blog post!

Needing: I really need to start planning for school. I technically don't have kids til Monday the 8th so I am okay for this week, but I know it will be the 8th before I know it my goal was to be ahead of the game this year! So far I'm slacking.

3 trips: 3 trips I would love to take are Ireland, an island of any sort, and the beach!


  1. Hi Elizabeth! I'm linking up with you from Farley's "currently". Your post is making me crave pumpkin too! Have a great school year!

    The Teaching Crew

  2. Hi Elizabeth, hmmmm Pumpkin, I love the fall and all the amazing things that come with it, including Pumpkin!! I have never heard about pumpkin pb, I may need to try that some day. I agree about summer it did go way to fast, but I am looking forward to returning to school as I have been off for a year with my daughter and am eager to get back in a classroom.

    Dancing Through the Days With Mrs Gadicke

  3. Pumpkin spice peanut butter? I simply must try it! I hear Ireland is absolutely beautiful. Maybe someday...

    Have a great school year!

    Sally from Elementary Matters
