Thursday, August 21, 2014

Teacher Week: Day 4

Today is day 4 of teacher week!

Today's post is about WHEN. When do things happen in your classroom?

I have decided to upload a copy of my class schedule. I still need to tweak it because we are getting a new computer and library teacher so I am not sure when those times will be, but it's pretty much done as of now. I only get preps twice a week. But I'm not complaining because my kids also nap everyday :) 

My schedule is pretty plain. It has to be handed into the diocese so I can't really do much to make it cute and fancy.

So every morning my kids come in between 7:40 and 8:00. I usually have puzzles or flash cards or books on the tables for them to look at, but they usually just talk, which is fine by me. They hang up their school bags, put their snack in the snack bin, put their communication folders in the folder bin, and find their seat. This takes a good 2 to 3 weeks to get the routine down, but it's always a great feeling when they do, especially since for a lot of my students this is their first school experience.

While they are sitting I take attendance and get some things together. We gather on the while group carpet to say the pledge and pray. 

Then we start whole group. This we take the first 10 minutes or so to do calendar, and go over numbers letter colors etc. Then we usually read a book or watch a book on the smart board. After that is some type of whole group activity like making a chart or something like that. It all depends on the theme. Obviously this is 'whole group" so it involves everyone lol. 

After that is fine motor skills. This will be art, cutting, writing, etc. Something that practices fine motor. Students will sit at tables of 4 (I have 16 this year) and Joanne my assistant and myself will walk around and help. Again the first few weeks will be practicing the basics so by October November they can be completely independent. Well maybe not completely :)

Large Motor is really just a brain break or a mini recess. Something to get the kids up and moving around. This could be dancing, yoga, stretching, going on a bear hunt, etc. 

Then we have snack.

After snack is religion. I teach in a catholic school so obviously this is very important. The first month or so we real just talk about prayer, learn the sign of the cross, simple things like that. Then usually we will read books, do crafts, watch videos, etc. 

Now we have learning centers. The way I work my learning centers is that all of the academic areas are during one time. Last year everyday was different centers. This year I am doing it completely different. There will be 4 centers and the students will rotate through the week. So each day they will be hitting a different center. Sometimes I will be at one of the centers doing small group while my assistant monitors the rest, and sometimes they will all be independent. Again it depends on the skills and themes. Last year I found myself running out of centers or doing the same ones way too much. I am hoping this new method of week long centers will really work. I know half hour is a long time for one center, but this includes clean up, set up, explanation, etc. I never follow my schedule to the hour or half hour, just has to look exact for the big guys :)

Then we have play centers. This is where the kids get to play! I am a firm believe that play should be kept in school, even in Kindergarten! I know many probably disagree, but oh well. My play centers could include kitchen, blocks, legos, doll houses, cars and trains, etc. I am going to follow the same routine as the learning centers. Each week will be designated 4 centers and the kids will rotate. Last year I gave them a whole hour of free play and it was insane. A little too much play time haha!

Then we have lunch. I have to do lunch duty once a week which isn't too bad.

After lunch is nap. My favorite time of the day. I kinda wish we didn't nap and they just went home haha, but then I probably would't get a salary haha.

And that is my day! I hope you enjoy!


  1. I 100% agree that there should be play in pre-k and kindergarten (and everywhere) - they learn SO much through playing. My district has started going back to incorporating play in kindergarten and a lot of our conferences this summer were about the importance of it. I was so glad! They learn so much not only academically but especially socially/emotionally through play. I am glad you have such great centers for your kids!

  2. Hi Elizabeth, Love your blog!
    One question, what is the difference between your learning centers and your play centers?
    I also teach Pre-K, I will be starting my 11th year next week and I was curious about your schedule.

    Feel free to follow me:


    1. Hi Janice! Thanks so much for following me!

      My learning centers are where I incorporate numbers, letters, shapes, etc. So I usually have 4 tables and each table will be a different center. An example of 4 centers would be 1:1 correspondence using trees and red pom poms, a letter matching game, a shape sorting activity, and some type of teach centered activity with me to help students strengthen a new skill.

      My play centers are just free play centers such as kitchen center, legos, building blocks, doll houses. Just a time for them to be kids and play!!

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I'll make sure to check out your blog! :)
